maanantai 27. elokuuta 2012

And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists 
I never did anything to you, man 

But no matter what I try 
You'll beat me with your bitter lies 
So call me crazy, hold me down 
Make me cry; get off now, baby - 

It won't be long till you'll be 
Lying limp in your own hand 

tiistai 21. elokuuta 2012

Dream obscene

This is a day for 'Special Needs'. Been listening to it on repeat, over twenty times now I'm sure.

Remember me through flash photography and screams 
Remember me, special dreams 

keskiviikko 15. elokuuta 2012

My sister told me that there is something in my voice that makes her think that I have all the burdens of the world on my shoulders. I don’t feel that way – but I know what she meant. Some words leave wounds that can at first seem deep but will heal with time. I am healing.  After all, for me he will always be only a